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"I grew up thinking that my future had to be perfect and planned out. Graduating high school, I went to my dream school. But when my dream became a reality, that’s when I saw my life starting to fall apart. I would say anxiety has been with me my entire life, but I’d never experienced it as bad as when I moved to California. It got so bad that I ended up dropping out of it and transferring back to the university at home. I felt lost, hopeless, and like I had failed everyone I knew. Worst of all, I failed myself. Coming home wasn’t easy. My entire support system moved all over the country. But the one thing I knew I had to do was help myself by myself. I got a job, made friends at school, and joined a sorority. I started doing things outside my comfort zone and went to therapy. I found confidence and a love for myself. Flash forward to two years later when I moved to Florida to pursue my dreams of working for Disney. This was a scary change for me as I was worried what happened the last time I moved would happen again. But this time it didn’t because I went into it with my new and improved loving self. Capable. Strong. And best of all... I’m happy."


-- Emily Unger, @emilyunger123

Emily: Testimonials
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